Sunday, November 2, 2008


It is already Nov 2, 2008 and this year is just flying by! The boys had a blast at the Mom's club party on Halloween and then spend the evening Trick -or-Treating in our subdivision. Carter was a dinosaur and Camden was Darth Vadar. They boys got two turkey platters full of candy. I will never have to buy candy again!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

It is already October

Wow! Here it is October 19th and I haven't made any posts since September. We have been very busy! We had our book fair at school and I have been busy with Small group Bible study, Bunko, scrapbooking, work an of course family. Greg has been working really hard and helps where he can. Camden is doing well in school. He is starting to write words on his own and is sounding out words. He got a whole week worth of Green marks. (Which means he had a great week.) Carter is also doing well at school and enjoys going to Ms. Margarets after school. Here are two pictures from the ballooning event. I am way behind in uploading pictures but I will try to get some new ones off soon! Notice the Droids in the background with Cam.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Camden's First Day of School

Camden started school today! He is getting to be such a big boy! He has several friends in his class but who woudn't with 27 kids in his class. He had on a new outfit, new shoes and a smile on his face.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lynn and Dad Kaye Birthday

Today Lynn Weirick turned 41 and Wayne Kaye turned.... hummm OLD! We had a pool party down in Laurens, S.C. for them at the country club pool. Mom Kaye made cupcakes and the kids spent the entire time in the pool. It was over 100 degrees today.

Fire Station

The boys and I went to the Fire Station to meet real firemen and sit in a fire truck. They were able to see a fireman dressed up in all his attire and even go talk to the firemen. Check out the pictures.

Skate party

The Mom's Club had a skate day at Skate Around off 123. The boys had a great time for the first 20 minutes but then they decided to put the skates on their hands and skate that way. Camden love the large skate displayed that was the same size as he is.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Mackenzi is almost 4 months old and yesterday she got a series of shots, was spayed and had a hernia fixed. She is such a playfully puppy and loves to play fetch. Harley on the other hand is getting on in age and just likes to sleep all day. He would be happy if Mackenzi would fall off the face of the Earth. They are definitely interesting to watch!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Busy June

June has gone by so fast and I haven't even posted yet. We have been busy at the pool, watching movies, visiting the public library, running errands, doing things with the Mom's Club and just having fun! Both boys were in swim lessons this month and really enjoyed the YMCA pool with its water slide. Greg and I celebrated our 9th anniverary this month and we even got to go to a Greenville Drive Baseball game. Enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

USC Graduation

I finally graduated from USC with my masters in Library and Information Science. I walked in the Ceremony on April 9th at the Colonial Hall in Columbia, S.C. at 3:00 p.m. There were hundred of people and they got through all of them in 41 min. I have never heard anyone call out names so quickly. After the ceremony Greg, my parents and his parents all headed to Davis College for a small reception. I am actually a little sad that I won't have classes anymore with my fellow students.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Camden's 5th Birthday

Yesterday Camden turned 5. I can't believe he will be starting K- in the fall. His party was held at Slide Guys in Powdersville and he had a Power Rangers Cake. Nothing like 16 kids under 5 running around.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Our new addition

Today we added a new addition to the family. A six week old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel we named Mackenzi Heart Kaye. She is white, black and brown and as sweet as she can be. The boys think she is cute but she is really my puppy. Enjoy the pictures.

Sod in Yard

Well, we put 20 pallets of sod down in March. Three Bermuda in the front and 17 Fescue in the back. I thought I would add a picture of what our yard looks like now. There are still a few brown spots but nothing compared to the dirt yard of before.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

T-ball practice

Camden will be 5 next week and it playing T-ball this season. He seems to really like it! Here are some pictures of Camden with his team. He is playing for Marathon Church under coach John Brocket. He is an excellent coach and handles these kids very well.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Birthdays a Plenty

I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would add a few pictures and let everyone know how it is going. Carter turned 3 in February, Greg turned 34 in March and Camden turns 5 in April. I will be bringing up the rear in May as I turn 31. For my birthday... I am getting a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel we have already named Mackenzi. She will join our family in May.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Feb. 2008

I know I haven't posted in a while but I just got back from a conference in Columbia, South Carolina for School Library Media specialists and I learned about several new types of technology I am trying out like Skype, twitter and bloglines.

Anyway, I was working on my internship at Greenville High Academy and I just finished last week. Mom and Dad came down from Ohio to stay with the boys while I was at school. Enjoy the pictures.