Thursday, June 30, 2011

Furman concer series

We are here at Furman University listening to their great free summer concert series. Today they are playing music for the 4th of July and the Greenville chorale is singing. What a wonderful way to enjoy an evening with the family!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pool Time

All three boys and I went to the pool today. Camden and Carter can swim like fish and always have fun at the pool. Today there were a total of 9 boys at the pool including mine. Cayson so much fun to watch. He doesn't like the baby pool but will sit on the top step of the big pool and play with any and all toys, shoes or other objects that happen his way. He also likes to be pushed around in his float, especially if his big brothers are near by. I am so
happy I have three boys that love the water.

The Dentist

Why is it that there is always one child that does well at the dentist but taking the other child is a dreadful experience. Tuesday was the dreaded day when I drove Camden and Carter to the dentist. Carter was done, teeth cleaned, flossed and jelled in less than 15 minutes. Camden on the other hand only made it through 3/4 cleaning of his mouth and that was with bribery. Oh I pray he never has to have another filling because his first filling was a nightmare!! Here is a picture of Carter getting his teeth cleaned. Any suggestions out there on how to make going to the dentist a pleasant experience?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our little climber

Cayson is now 16 months old and going up and down the stairs like a champ.  He definitely keeps me on my toes. He loves chasing after his big brothers and pushing their door open to grabs as many legos as possibe before I can catch him. This summer will go so fast...I better enjoy it while I can.

Monday, June 27, 2011

June 2011

Okay, my goal is to try to do a better job in keeping family and friends updated on our daily life through blogging. We will see how I do. Here are pictures of Camden on his last day of second grade and Carter on his last day of Kindergarten. I can't believe how big my boys are getting. I am also including a recent picture of Cayson since he is growing like a weed.